Sunday 10 April 2011

Q and Q

Qushay and Qaisy are my two heroes...they were separated by one and a half year but they are like twins. Both of them have the same interest which is Detective Conan. If they say they were Detective Conan in the morning so don't bother to call their own names for the rest of the day because they will ignore you as if you are invisible.

Now they have learn to sing and their favorite melody is Tanya Sama Pokok but with their own lyrics like this:

Tanya Sama Pokok
Sapa yang goncangnya
Nanti Qushay goncangnya
Bila nak mainnya bila nak mainnya
Itu lah sayang...

Its hilarious when i first heard they sang their own version of Tanya Sama Pokok but they sang it seriously as if its the right lyric.  

They called me ummi but when i scold them they will called me Reksaksa and they  will transform as Ultraman Cosmos and Deigo hahahah for them if they kiss me i will transfer back as ummi and not a Reksaksa so whenever i'm in bad mood both of them will come to me and said ' Ummi...Ummi cium hah anak-anak bijak' they called me "anak-anak bijak" because that was the words of compliment i gave them for their good behavior  and for them the words also suit me when i'm not angry anymore hehehe

They called their father 'oyang' heheheh.... why? They heard i called my husband 'sayang' so they also want to call sayang but they could not pronounce the word sayang so sayang became oyang. Untill now when i ask them to called ayah instead of oyang....they will reply 'no umi bukan ayah oyang lah apppalah umi salah orang'. So my husband said let it be as long they don't called him names.

Qushay is the older one and love to watch F1....he is the 'anak kesayangan oyang' for him his oyang is his heroes...everything is nothing if oyang is not around

Qaisy is the younger one love to sing and 'mengacau' ummi he is my 'buchuk buchuk ummi' for him everything is ummi and without ummi his day will not complete...

But for me both of them are my treasure....

1 comment:

  1. ala comel.... dua2 ank buah aunty ni.... heheheee... cutenya syam... nda sabar mo tgk bb Said besar n pndi ckp, mesti petah mcm ur heroes ni kan :) btw, finally, ada pun blog heheheee
